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Nigerian Trafficking

Many of those affected by human trafficking, who are counseled and guided by SOLWODI, are either from Nigeria or other westafrican nations. They are brought to Europe to be sexually exploited. The traffickers can rely on well-established networks, that enable them to smuggle the women across borders. In many cases so-called madames are at the heart of these networks. These are often women who fell victim to human trafficking themselves. However, nowadays more and more nigerian secret societies, e.g. Black Axe or Supreme Eye, push onto the market. These associations tend to be characterized by a remarkably high willingness to resort to violence. This type of organized crime has reportedly already found its way to Germany.


The affected girls and women often come from precarious backgrounds and have little to no school education. In many cases they already experienced violence in one form or another either within their family or their social environment. Some grow up staying with their relatives after they had already lost either one or both of their parents. They rarely receive genuine affaction from their guardians and are rather regarded as useless mouths to feed. All of this makes them particularly vulnerable to promises of easy money as nannies or waitresses in far-off Europe. Sometimes uncles, brothers or other relatives take part in the "sale" of one of these girls.

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The women are forced to sign debt papers to cover the cost of the transfer, which can be valued in the range of 30 – 50.000€ or even more. These sums are deliberately impossible to be paid back. However, the women do not realize this, especially since they have no idea of the exchange course. Many believe that they will have worked off their debt within a couple of months living in Europe. After this period, they think, they are then able to earn money for themselves or their families. Even after coming to the realization, that they will have to work as prostitutes, they have no idea of the full extent of the violence and humiliation they will have to suffer.



The Juju-Vow


The women often have to undergo a Juju-ritual, while still in Nigeria. This entails having their pubic hair and fingernails cut and bloodor other bodily fluids collected. Then they have to vow to repay the loan they took in order to get to Europe and to never say a word to anyone, especially the authorities, about the operations of the human traffickers. Should they break their vow they incur death, madness and calamities on themselves and their families. Even though the Oba, the spiritual leader of the kingdom of Benin, lifted all Juju-vows related to human trafficking and forced prostitution and forbid his priests to further perform such rituals, many women are still pressured through the use of this tradition. Instead of in Benin they are forced to perform the vows in neighbouring Nigeria. A lot of them still believe in the power of this ritual and the Juju-vow bind them more effective than ties or violence ever could.

Assault and violence on the road to Europe


The women and girls are seldom brought to Europe via planes. More commonly they are transported all the way through Africa up to Libya; the coast of the mediterranean sea. The women suffer through many hardships, hunger and thirst. Many report having experienced their first sexual assault or even rape on the roughly 1.250 miles long journey.


While in Libiya, the women are often intercepted by criminal gangs, ho force them to prostitute themselves in so.called Connection Houses, until their madame can pay for their freedom. They are subjected to intense violence, rapings, beatings, stabbings as well as cigarette burns. 


Usually the women are then further transferred via the mediterranean route into Italy, where the nigerian secret societies are especially well conected. Some women are brought into Europe through Spain or France. Many women report having their id-cards, cash and mobiles taken and being forced to prositute themselves on the streets.


In Germany


Some women manage to successfully escape to Germany. Others are brought here by human traffickers in order to exploit them as prostitutes. The women are kept under constant controll. They are threatened with police and other bad consequences, because of their status as illegals in Europe.

They are incarcerated and isolated. Threats and violence are used to make them obedient.

Many women are forced to work as prostitutes in private flats, since they can not risk being seen in public due to their status as illegals.

Women are regularly brought from one city to the next in order to satisfy the Johns' desire for alternation. The affected women themselves often have no idea where they are at the moment.

They are scared of the police and government agencies and only a few manage to successfully contact a specialized information centre.



30 Jahre SOLWODI Deutschland 1987 bis 2017 -

30 Jahre Solidarität mit Frauen in Not in Deutschland


Autorinnen: Sr. Dr. Lea Ackermann / Dr. Barbara Koelges / Sr. Annemarie Pitzl


Nächste Veranstaltungen:

19. 09. 2024 - Uhr


20. 09. 2024